Support The Cause

Thanks for being a part of the band and for supporting our efforts to end the euthanasia of adoptable dogs and cats. With your help, we’ll achieve our goal of Rockin’ Zero®. We’re grateful for your contribution at any level. You’re a rock star!

Matching Gifts

Amp up your contribution! Did you know that many companies will double or even triple your gift to BARC and Rockin’ Zero® by matching your contribution dollar for dollar or more? With your employer’s help, you can double the impact of your support and help us get to Rockin’ Zero® even quicker. Companies will often match the gifts of retirees as well. View a List of Companies that Match Gifts

BARC is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization. Contributions are eligible for tax deduction to the limit allowable by law.

Thank you for your generous contribution to BARC and your support of the Rockin’ Zero® Movement. Your kindness is taking center stage, and you’re helping to save the lives of countless animals. Your gift will help us implement best practice spay-neuter programs and get us to our goal of zero euthanasia of healthy, adoptable animals in the St. Louis area. And that rocks.