Rescue dogs give you so much love. They look at you like, Thanks for saving me!

- Miranda Lambert

Raise Awareness and Eliminate the Euthanasia of Unwanted Pets

BARC has been employing these best practices for 15 years and is now the largest spay-neuter program for pets of low-income families. We have had a phenomenal impact on the reduction of pet euthanasia in St. Louis. However, per the Missouri Department of Agriculture, locally we still euthanize more than 12,500 pets each year. It’s time to take this program to the next level. With enough resources we can Rock Zero euthanasia. Join our movement ~ we are Rockin’ Zero®. As an animal lover, did you know that the Humane Society states that about 2.7 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs — about one every 11 seconds — are put down in U.S. shelters each year? Unfortunately, it’s a problem that shelters can’t solve. Even though adoption programs save a lot of lives, these efforts cannot keep up with the reproductive capacity of dogs and cats. Effective spay-neuter programs are the only way to eradicate euthanasia. These best practice spay-neuter programs work. Euthanasia has been eliminated in at least one community and best practice programs are bringing others closer each day. Rockin’ Zero® is a movement to raise awareness and funds to support best practice spay-neuter programs. Your help is vital; help us help the animals.

Join us in Rockin’ Zero® euthanasia in St. Louis!

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